We are a dynamic research group at the Leiden Institute of Physics. Our aim is to explore and understand quantum materials, including strange metals, high-temperature superconductors, and quantum critical electron matter.
To this end, we develop novel spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy (SI-STM) tools to visualize the relevant quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. We want to be able to build the perfect instruments to answer the scientific questions we deem most important (see Research).
We are located at Leiden University, the birthplace of superconductivity and home to Kamerlingh Onnes, Lorentz, Huygens, Einstein, de Sitter, and others (see e.g. the wall of signatures from Ehrenfest lecturers). We exchange ideas and work with our neighbors from Quantum Matter & Optics, as well as with the colleagues from our world-class theory section.
We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !
We are grateful for funding from Leiden University, NWO (Vidi talent scheme and the Frontiers in Nanoscience program), and from an ERC starting grant.
A first paper from the TBG collaboration is online, including data from Tjerk. See Lisi, Lu, Benschop, de Jong et al.!
8. January 2020Irene wins discoverer of the year by the faculty of Science! (Press release)!
10. December 2019Koen defends his PhD with a cum laude (top 5%)!
5. September 2019The noise doubling paper is published in Phys. Rev. B!
25. August 2019Doohee got an assistant professor job at Yonsei University!
25. July 2019The inhomogeneous superfluid paper is published in Nature!
We imaged the doubling of shot noise due to Andreev reflections in a STM, posted on arXiv.
24. May 2019The smart tip paper is finally published ! A collaboration with the Gröblacher Lab at TU Delft.
Irene defends her PhD!